who we are

The reason

why we always strive for perfection

It does not matter how big the company is. The most important thing is that it puts its heart in everything it does. Who are our final clients? People who wear a jewel with satisfaction. When are they really satisfied? Everytime they “live a masterpiece” with surprinsing admiration.

We are satisfied with

our strength

Our quality is a essential requirement. Today it means being always on time on delivering and checking carefully each single detail, in order to make sure that everything has been made perfectly. We focuse our attention on the control of the final quality.

Precision and authenticity

with a connection to technology

Si può apprendere un’arte solo nelle botteghe di coloro che con quella si guadagnano la vita.”

(Samuel Butler)

We give importance

to those who will love
our details

These stones possess a life of their own: their colours can speak. They reveal things that words cannot say.
(Rita Rudner)

Hands, head and heart

together for A result

Those who work with their hands are workers. Those who work with their hands and head are craftsmen. Those who work with their hands, their head and their heart are artists.
(San Francesco d’Assisi)

We love art and

we love being craftsmen

Arte è quando la mano, la testa, e il cuore dell’uomo vanno insieme.
(John Ruskin)

Luca Bosio CEO
3339436891 luca@lucabosio.it


Carla Bovone General Manager
3348682815 carla@lucabosio.it

Paola Bosio Chief Accountant

Stefania Panzin Production Manager

Roberta Pieroni Quality control and Customer service

Salvatore Gulino Laser Engraving Manager
3397105602 salvatore@lucabosio.it


Raffaele Grimaldi Production Manager and customer service
3356868273 raffaele@lucabosio.it


